So, I was just nominated for a Liebster Blogger Award. I did some googling, and it seems pretty neat. This is the best information that I've found on it, if you're curious, like me. I'll save you a step!
Liebster Blog Award Origins
1. Answer the questions sent to you
2. Nominate 11 bloggers
3. Ask them 11 questions thought up by YOU!
4. Notify them that they have been nominated
So, I was nominated for this award by Yessica @thepushupbra
And here comes some truthiness…
1. What type of guy/girl are you attracted to?
- I tend to find myself drawn to creative types – artists, musicians, cooks. People with an outlet. An outlet worth discussing and enjoying together. I’m drawn towards people that are confident with an air of humility about them. It’s difficult to describe, but I can definitely point it out when I see it.
2. What was your most embarrassing moment?
- I tend to not be embarrassed very easily. Usually just when I do something stupid at work. You know, because I hate to be wrong.
3. When and what was the last lie you told?
- “Yes, we had some good times. Of course I loved you.”
4. What do you like best about yourself?
- I like me a lot. My favorite thing about me, though is probably my brain. I’m very smart, and very logical. I dig that.
5. What is your guilty pleasure?
- There are not a lot of pleasures that I feel guilty about. For a typical mid-thirties single mom, however? Really good casual sex, regular times at the bar, spending money on massages. The only one that actually can make me feel guilty, on occasion, is the massages. Because money is a evil, heartless bitch.
6. Is there anything that you regret?
- Of course there is. But dwelling on regrets brings on the guilt, and I’m a mom. I have enough of that on a regular basis.
7. Do you believe in love?
- Of course I do. I have children. And I would literally murder for them, without question or hesitation. I would sacrifice myself, my whole life, to ensure that they could have a few more happy days. Do I believe in love, relationship-wise? I guess. It always seems so transient though. Even if it is long term, I’ve found, in my personal experience, that love is based on experiences. Is it a feeling? Absolutely. Can it ebb and flow, like the tides? I think it can.
8. If you could have a wish come true right now, what would it be?
- Right now, at this moment, I would wish for my most recent ex, Scout’s dad, to move on with his life. I wish he could and would get over me. And that sounds cocky, I’m sure, but it shouldn’t. I feel like he’s obsessed. To a disturbing degree. My life has moved forward, and it would be easiest for both of us if he could do that too.
9. Would you get back to your ex if you had the choice?
- Not a single one. Nope. I lie. Well, no, I don’t. Because, as of the last time I heard about him, he was happily in a relationship with a woman that I know to be fabulous. We also haven’t dated since I was 16, so the memories are probably skewed by nostalgia at this point, but, as far as I can recall, we only broke up because circumstances weren’t ideal for us. I was 16. He was turning 21. We promised each other that if we were single in our 30’s, we’d reconnect. I haven’t heard anything.
10. Do you still remember your first kiss?
- No? I feel like it was probably with my first boyfriend – my first everything – when I was 15, but I’m not sure. I don’t really remember anything about our relationship being that awesome, except that he could sing, and play several instruments. Oh, and he was obviously a tortured soul. I told you. Creativity gets me.
11. Do you remember your first crush?
- Not really, to be honest. I feel like it might have been a boy named Dante in middle school, but I’m not really 100%, and I can’t really commit to that answer.
So, some questions for you guys. This is almost tougher than answering them.
- What’s your drink? What would you order at a bar if there were no repercussions – financial, health, or otherwise?
- What is your dream vacation?
- Tell me about your best day.
- What was your first car?
- Where did you fit in high school?
- Are you a texter or a caller?
- Everyone is a work in progress. What thing would you change about yourself if you could snap your fingers and make it happen?
- When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
- Now, what do you want to be when you grow up?
- What time do you go to bed at night?
- What is your worst habit?
Now, for the nominees…
Just thought I'd drop by to say I loved your answers to my questions, specially Number 7.
ReplyDeleteThank you No Such Fairytale for the nomination. I was thrilled to receive it and had a lot of fun passing it on. If you want to see how I answered your questions, have a look:
Have a good time, be in touch and rock on!
This WAS a lot of fun. I'm glad you enjoyed it, too!