Sunday, November 30, 2014

So, I had this thing

And it wasn't really a thing, more of a fling (I feel like Dr. Seuss with the rhyming right now) with this guy. Unfortunately, I enjoyed his company.  I only say unfortunately because, for me, sex is different from emotions.  Sex is enjoyable of its own accord. I enjoyed sex with this guy. I also enjoyed what I thought could be friendship, because he isn't too stupid to talk to. He's actually really smart. I mean, he's a guy, and he stopped calling me for sex, so obviously he's not that smart.

But there's that. He stopped calling and texting. I know he had personal shit going on with friends. I know because he told me. We talked about sad stuff. About real life stuff. Like friends do.

He also blew me off the last two times we were supposed to hook up. Clearly he's a moron. Not only am I attractive, and amazing in bed, but I also have no desire to be married, or attached, or trapped or anything. I want to be able to have some sex. Maybe a nice talk. And go home.

Fuck me. Is that so hard?


  1. I know that this is kind of a deal made in heaven for men. Hard to believe a guy could pass on that. Probably he does have some bad stuff going on. That, or he is just stupid. (Or maybe he does want a relationship, we'll never know).

    1. I know! Too bad for him, I guess. Maybe he'll come around. Maybe not.

      It's probably just that I'm overwhelmingly fabulous.
